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Notes on this collage:
- This was actually one of the first collages I made this year. It’s one of the few where I’ve used a framing sort of technique.
- I almost ran this collage last week but thought it might’ve been early to spring nudity on you. Since this is the third installment of Paper Trumpets (our third date!), I decided that now is the time. I hope you still respect me in the morning.
- I don’t actually use nudity very often in my collages but I would like to find more interesting and evocative ways to use it, such as in the early work of James Gallagher or the punk styling of Linder Sterling.
- The words “Try telling the lady” are straight from an early 60s advertisement. I can’t remember what the rest of the ad said, but it’s interesting to see how the roles of men and women were so stringent in these old magazines. The statement probably ended with something about washing clothes or cooking dinner. I’ve noticed in the women’s magazines of that era (such as Good Housekeeping or Woman’s Own), women are portrayed as less subservient. Their facial expressions vary a bit more. They’re not as smiley and robotic as in the magazines that were also read by men.
- The dudes’ faces are from an advertisement for an insurance agency. Would you buy insurance from them?
- The woman in the coat is from a story on anti-war demonstrations that ran in the Saturday Evening Post. In the context of the images in this collage, the text—the “war”—is about the current battle on women’s bodies.
- I recently took an online collage class with collage champion, Randal Plowman. He’s teaching another one soon. Check it out. I recommend it.
- The featured collage this time around is Kieron Cropper aka CUR3ES, a thirty-year-old collage artist and designer based in Brighton, England who uses analogue and digital collage techniques. CUR3ES’s art is inspired by the occult, science fiction, and geometrical shapes. His Society 6 page includes his work on iPhone cases, throw pillows, and shower curtains. He has done a lot of album cover artwork and is a member of Kollektiv Gallery.