A confused hitchhiker searching for a farm in New Zealand is a plot that inspires rippling questions. Scott Onak warmly depicts Elyria’s plight to tame the wildebeest in Catherine Lacey’s novel Nobody is Ever Missing.
Sometimes athletics can be the best tool to measure emotional growth, and so Chloe Honum does this with ballet in her first book of poetry The Tulip Flame. Casey Thayer shares his thorough interpretation in his review.
Wonderland embodies several realms: Emotional family hardships. Art world fame. The traumatic landscape of growing up. And the most optimistic, “the sea in which we never drown.” Lend Thomas H. McNeely your eyes for his review of Stacey D’erasmo’s Wonderland.
Mariusz Szczygiel weaves together a zigzagging history lesson within the 17 stories that comprise Gottland. According to Sarah Trudgeon’s astute review, present-day Szczygiel’s Gottland is a “Czech Republic as a capitalist theme park built on top of an old communist theme park.”
Glaciology is a poem in 16 parts. The title evokes the process of time rather than natural ice formations. Charlie Atkinson delivers amusing review of Jeffrey Skinner’s multi-faceted poem.
Gary Shteyngart could’ve used Thomas P. Keenan’s Technocreep as a sophisticated resource for Super Sad True Love Story. John Kendall Hawkins aptly divulges Keenan’s research in his review.