Joanna Pen Cooper’s hybrid collection What is a Domicile brings to mind Louis Fitzhugh’s classic Harriet the Spy in Julie Marie Wade’s unique analysis.
It might easiest to sum up Have You Had Enough Darkness Yet by Irene McKinney as a eulogy for death—in the most meta of terms. “You will be remembered by your own words, Irene McKinney. Perhaps there’s no better credit to give a poet than that,” says Charlie Atkinson in his review.
Woody Brown makes a strong case against David Mitchell’s latest, The Bone Clocks.
Rajesh Parameswaran gets inventive with the archetypal love story and the Indian American immigrant story in his collection I Am an Executioner. Diksha Basu gives a full summary.
Poet and visual artist Etel Adnan has written another collection of poems that traverse continents and cultures. Patrick James Dungan offers a warm review.
Myriam Gurba interviews queer renaissance woman Ariel Schrag.
Flight 232 by Laurence Gonzales seems like a philosophical afterthought to the ’90s movie Fearless. Rachel Rose gives an impassioned review.