In episode 20 of Make/Work, host Scott Pinkmountain speaks with musician Gene V. Baker. Baker is an immensely talented multi-instrumentalist and singer, as well as a composer and songwriter. He speaks candidly about the challenges he’s faced moving from the Bay Area to New York, and about the difficulty he’s had finding time for his creative practice outside of his all-consuming day job teaching music to kids.
Baker and Pinkmountain are close friends and collaborators, and their conversation ranges far and wide, into an honest exploration about just how hard it can be to sustain a creative practice—even if it’s the most important thing in your life.
The danger of doing something that you really care about [for a day job] is it’s drawing upon the same energy source that’s also required to be a creative composer or artist.
Listen to Episode 20 (and subscribe to Make/Work!) now in iTunes. Or get the direct download. And you can now get Make/Work through Stitcher.
Every creative laborer has a different story to tell about how they negotiate their relationship between their creative work and their paycheck and how they balance their lives to sustain their creative practice. In Make/Work, Scott will speak with emerging and established artists working in a wide range of creative mediums about how they survive, how they make a living, and how they maintain their work over the long term. New episodes will be released every other Thursday.