Anohni, the new incarnation of Antony Hegarty, spoke with VICE about her album HOPELESSNESS, the politics and environmental crisis its songs address, and controlling the intrusion of an artist’s body into her work. In reference to her decision to subvert the influence of her particular body on the art, Anohni said:
I’ve never been that interested in my physical body as a convincing visual conduit for my voice. I’ve never been comfortable standing on stage and trying to negotiate what it is that people are seeing. [Pointing at herself] I’ve never had this “for sale,” particularly. It’s always been an unfortunate byproduct of the fact that I’m a singer. So to me, it’s been separating my voice from my body in a way. That was my idea: that I would be annihilated.
Watch the video for “Drone Bomb Me” after the jump.