Across the country and around the world, people have joined together to protest against President-elect Donald Trump and all that his campaign has stood for. These protests serve to unify, to bring together groups of people who can offer each other comfort and support, and to demonstrate that we will not be silent in the face of hatred, racism, homophobia, sexism, and violence. We will not accept the KKK marching in celebration of a return to a “better” (read: whiter) America. We will not accept the reversal of gay marriage and the rights that accompany it. We will not accept that sexual assault of women is not a disqualifying, criminal action that should bar one from taking the highest office in our nation. We will not accept swastikas drawn on walls, children bullying other children in schools, Muslim women being attacked for wearing the hijab. And we will never accept limiting the freedom of the press, and our freedom of speech, both of which are foundational tenets that our democracy was built upon.
Instead, we will come together. We will demonstrate. We will speak out. We will donate to and work with groups like the ACLU, Human Rights Campaign, and Planned Parenthood, groups who will be instrumental in preventing the regression of all the progress we’ve made in the last eight years.
No one knows exactly what the next four years will bring. But we are always stronger when we stand together. We must remember to listen to and assist those of us who are most affected by hatred and violence, to give platform to those whose voices might otherwise be silenced, and to continue to address the systematic issues that underpin everything Donald Trump and his supporters stand for.
We will continue to add photographs to this collection as they come in. If you have photographs you’d like to share, please send them to [email protected] along with the date and location of the protest(s).
Madison, WI, November 10
Denver, CO, November 10
Boulder, CO, November 10
Berlin, Germany, November 12
San Diego, CA, November 9
Los Angeles, CA, November 9
San Francisco, CA, November 9
and November 13
Oakland, CA, November 13
Chicago, IL, November 9
and November 12
New York, NY, November 9
and November 12
Philadelphia, PA, November 10
With thanks to Cameron Borders, Christine L. Cody, Aubrie Cox, Matthew DeCoster, Ben Dib, Deena ElGenaidi, Hoi Polloi, Madeleine LaRue, Janna Layton, Jared M., Sal Randolph, Brenna Showalter, Christopher Soto, Naftali Wayne, and everyone who sent in photographs.