It is late, and in just a few hours my two-year-old son, who is just trying to understand Daylight Savings Time, will wake up and he will expect things to be business as usual. And for him, it will be, thankfully. I am so very thankful that he is not old enough to know what has taken place tonight.
But for many of us, the world has been forever altered. Many of us feel scared, unsafe, repulsed, angry, depressed, sad, and hopeless. Many of us are less safe, and have reason to be scared.
And yet, I know we must keep on. We must not be defeated, not for long.
In the days and weeks to come, there will be many important subjects to write about and actions to take, and The Rumpus will do our very best to make sure that we are on the front lines, that we are having those conversations, and that we are listening to and supporting the people who will be most affected by this tragedy of an election.
We live in a country that is deeply troubled, that is sick. We will not look away.