This week saw a great many things happen, but the best one was the hand-swat heard ’round the world. (In case you missed it, the hand-swat in question happened between Donald Trump and his wife Melania). As the two exited a plane onto the tarmac in Tel Aviv, Trump reached for Melania’s hand. But in a deft flip of the wrist, she hits his hand away. It’s a move so smooth, so effortless that it felt practiced. Like she’s been there before. Like he’s been there before. And it brought joy to our cold, jaded hearts. It doesn’t make the First Lady a hero, but hey, we take our swats where we can find them these days.
Here are some book recommendations about other husband-swatting ladies who you might adore.
An Oresteia translated by Anne Carson. Hand-swat that Agamemnon.
The Wife by Meg Wolitzer. Joseph doesn’t own you, Joan.
Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen. Be free, Fran!
A Novel about My Wife by Emily Perkins. Girl, you are right not to trust that man. Swat him away!
The Awakening by Kate Chopin. More like awakening to the fact that a hand-swat might’ve saved you a drowning, amirite?
Tampa by Alissa Nutting. Because sometimes, your husband is just too old for you.
The Liars Club by Mary Karr. A memoir of some good, old Texan hand-swatting.
The Angry Wife by Pearl S. Buck. This basically sums it all up.