Thursday 5/17: Portland’s newest reading series, Death Club, launches with readings by Julia Dixon Evans, Martha Grover, Tiffany, Scandal, Santi Elijah Holley, Casey Jarman, and Kate Jayroe. Erikson Gallery, 7 p.m., free.
Ellen Notbohm reads from her debut novel, The River by Starlight. Broadway Books, 7 p.m., free.
Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich reads from her book, The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir, and is joined in conversation by Nancy Rommelmann, author of The Bad Mother. Powell’s Books on Hawthorne, 7:30 p.m., free.
Friday 5/18: Attend the launch of All Kinds of Fur, a new Portland series that pairs artists, performers, and scholars with poets and writers to explore a new fairytale or myth each month. May’s edition will feature Jenny Forrester, Ramiza Koya, Laura Lampton Scott, and Pamela K. Santos. Hosted by Michelle Ruiz Keil. Indivisible, 7 p.m., free.
Join the Portland Review for the launch of their latest issue, featuring some of its contributors Margaret Malone, Santi Elijah Holley, and Susan DeFreitas. Independent Publishing Resource Center, 7 p.m., free.
Tao Lin reads from his memoir, Trip: Psychedelics, Alienation, and Charge. Powell’s City of Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
Sunday 5/20: Enjoy a local poetry reading, featuring Portland writers Rodney Koeneke, Stacey Tran, Julia Clare Tillinghast, and Stephanie Adam-Santos. Passages Bookshop, 3 p.m., free.
Molly Crabapple reads from Brothers of the Gun and is joined in conversation by Lidia Yuknavitch, author of The Book of Joan. Powell’s City of Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
Monday 5/21: Activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner John Dear reads from his new book, They Will Inherit the Earth: Peace and Nonviolence in a Time of Climate Change. Powell’s City of Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
Ruth Joffre reads from her new collection, Night Beast, and is joined in conversation by Deborah E. Kennedy, author of Tornado Weather. Powell’s Books on Hawthorne, 7:30 p.m., free.
Tuesday 5/22: Poet and artist Cleo Wade reads from her new book, Heart Talk, and is joined in conversation by her brother, Bernardo Wade. Powell’s Books on Cedar Hills Crossing, 7 p.m., free.
Nicola Griffith reads from her new novel, So Lucky. Powell’s City of Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
Wednesday 5/23: Mt. Hood Community College Humanities Department and The Mouths of Others welcome award-winning author, Rene Denfeld. Mt. Hood Community College, 12 p.m., free.
The Unchaste Readers Series returns with readings by Monica Hay, Claudia Savage, Katie Guin, Jane Hodges, Leah Dietrich, Aubrey Lenahan, and Missy Ladygo. Jade Lounge, 7 p.m., free.
Joshua Mensch reads from his lyric memoir, Because, and is joined in conversation by poets Ed Skoog and Kevin Craft. Powell’s City of Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
Michael Pollan brings his latest work to a private reading and conversation in celebration of his new book, How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence. Tickets for this event include admission and a copy of book, which will be distributed at the event. Newmark Theater, 7:30 p.m., $38.
If you have an event listing you’d like us to consider, please write to [email protected].
Notable Portland logo art by Olivia Olivia.