For Guernica, Sara Nović explores the details and language that cling to us through connection and loss.
“Recent research, engaging with autistic people as partners rather than simply observing them, suggests that we have badly misunderstood the interior life of autism” For Aeon, Katherine May looks at the ways the neurotypical world has shaped our general understanding of autism and what can be done to create better literature on the topic.
Cathryn Klusmeier and her family weather drastic changes in her father’s behavior and well-being over at Hunger Mountain.
“Clear countertops give the appearance of control over a life that feels too frequently like a series of events that are happening to me.” Sara Petersen looks for distracted bliss in cleaning and the promise of beauty products here at The Rumpus.
“It forced me to wonder what the rigid line of straightness has cost me in romantic partners and relationships over the years.” At Longreads, Minda Honey longs for sexual fluidity in a world where we’re taught to pick a side.
“The age of privacy nihilism is here, and it’s time to face the dark hollow of its pervasive void.” Big Brother may not be watching us (yet?) but marketing departments sure are! Ian Bogost breaks down the current state of data privacy for the Atlantic.
In last week’s ENOUGH column here at The Rumpus, Brittney Knight and Britt Julious explore the many ways that transportation can leave women feeling unsafe.
Logo art by Max Winter.