It’s Pushcart time! It’s like the Oscars for lit mags and small presses, except our clothes are less expensive and the swag bags are just New Yorker totes that we brought from home.
All joking aside, Pushcart nominations honor the best of what literary magazines and small book presses have offered us in the last year. And so, without further ado, here are our 2018 nominees. We’d say these are our humble offerings, but there is nothing humble about the strong voices of the writers listed below and the important work they shared with us.
“Becoming a Person of Color” by Rachel Heng
“Rivers of Babylon: The Story of a Third-Trimester Abortion” by T.S. Mendola
“Earthworms” by Alexandra Ford
“What Kind of Love Is That?” by Elizabeth Gonzalez James
“In Pine Bluff, Arkansas” by Kristin Chang
“Private Property” by Analicia Sotelo