Blair Braverman tells the story of her first Iditarod at Outside.
“How was I to know that the dead language was precisely the one you needed if you were studying dead people?” Gulchin A. Ergun dissects language and a corpse at the Missouri Review.
“I thought about my father, wounded in his own way, lost in a tangle of unfinished tales that circled around the forest of his past.” Joel Mowdy writes on the ways that we get lost and the ways that we remember for Guernica.
Jeanine Pfeiffer looks at sustainable harvesting of sea life and Native traditions in Mendocino County at Portland Review.
“I had thought Korean was an ocean inside of me, its tide ebbing and flowing in conjunction with my proximity to other Koreans. Instead, it drained out of me over time, as if dripping from a sieve.” Here at The Rumpus, Zavi Kang Engles writes on what happens to the language and culture that leave us and how we might return to them again.
Logo art by Max Winter.