Tuesday 12/10: The Free Library will present Salman Rushdie, author of Quichotte: A Novel, in conversation with Wesley Stace. 7 p.m. at Free Library of Philadelphia.
You Can’t Kill a Poet will present an evening of poetry by queer and/or trans writers featuring readings by Alina Pleskova, Deborah Turner, Tiffany Padilla, Prakash Mishra, Quinn Rodriguez, Sean Hanrahan, and Amelia Pikovsky. 7:30 p.m. at Tattooed Mom.
Wednesday 12/11: Moonstone Press will present a release party for their latest chapbooks. Featuring readings by authors Gloria Heffernan, Jerri McDermott, Gail Mitchell, Esther Schnur-Berlot, Jonathon Todd, and Robert Zaller, followed by an open mic. 7 p.m. at Fergie’s Pub.
Thursday 12/12: The All But True Reading Series will present fiction readings by Tori Bond, author of Familyism, and Nathan Alling Long, author of The Origin of Doubt: Fifty Short Fictions. 6 p.m. at Penn Book Center.
The African American Museum will present “Disruption: Poetry and Open Mic at AAMP,” an evening of poetry and performance curated by Philadelphia poet and educator Nina “Lyrispect” Ball. The theme of this installment of the Disruption series will be “Reflections and Meditations,” and the evening will include performances by poets Khemist and Rienne Jahnai, a musical performance by David Underwood, and open mic readings. 7 p.m. at African American Museum in Philadelphia.
The Dead Bards Poetry Series will present readings by Courtney K. Bambrick and Peter Baroth, followed by an open mic. Hosted by James Feichthaler. 8 p.m. at Venice Island Performing Arts Recreation Center.
Friday 12/13: The launch party for Apiary Magazine’s tenth issue “Apiary X” will feature readings by contributors Husnaa Hashim, Michelle Myers, Octavia McBride-Ahebee, Mariam Williams, Boston Gordon, Enoch the Poet, Hiwot Adilow, Ronnie Nocella, Anne-Adele Wight, Paul Siegell, Gabie Martin, Chris Bullard, Ebony Malaika Collier, Carole Bernstein, Alyssa Paige, Alisha Berry, Lawrence Mullen, Carolyn Chernoff, and Laura Walker. $5-10 suggested donation. Doors at 6 p.m. at Moore College of Art & Design.
Saturday 12/14: A Novel Idea on Passyunk will host a book signing by John Vercher, author of Three-Fifths. 12 p.m. at A Novel Idea on Passyunk.
Celebrate the release of Kirwyn Sutherland’s debut poetry collection Jump Ship with a book release and talk back featuring Kirwyn Sutherland, Shakira King, Miriam Harris, David Gaines, and Hiwot Adilow. by. 6 p.m. at Paul Robeson House.
The Philadelphia Poet Reading Series will present an evening of poetry featuring readings by Rebecca Kokitus, Jonathon Todd, Lucia Herrmann, and Zach Blackwood. 7 p.m. at A Novel Idea on Passyunk.
Sunday 12/15: Sci-fi Sundays at the Art Museum will present a reading by Li Sumpter of MythMedia Studios. 2 p.m. at Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Moonstone Poetry will present readings by Amanda Auerbach, Adrienne Raphel, and Bridget Talone. 2 p.m. at Shakespeare & Co. Rittenhouse.
Catch up with the folks at Blue Stoop at the December edition of their monthly happy hour. 5 p.m. at Win Win Coffee Bar.
Philly Recommended Reading: Each week we’ll recommend work by a local writer featured in Notable. This week, it’s “I’m Stepping Up in Singing Sandals, No Use For” by Bridget Talone (PoetryNow, 2018). Enjoy!
If you have a Philadelphia event listing you’d like us to consider for Notable Philadelphia, please contact [email protected] as far in advance as possible, and include the date of the event in the subject line.
Logo art by Max Winter.