With mere hours left till we can kiss 2019 goodbye forever and look forward to a new year of great writing and terrible news cycles, we’ve tallied up the traffic, crunched the numbers, and had a few drinks (it’s the holiday season!).
After you re-read the phenomenal writing that got the most page views, make sure you also check out our editors’ picks for favorite Rumpus writing from 2019, and our comprehensive look back at all the books we’ve reviewed this year.
Without further ado, here are the thirty most-read Rumpus posts of the year!
1. “ENOUGH: Reporting My Rape” by Anita Anburajan
2. “Introducing Lamoishe and Hezbollah Schoenfeld” by Nato Green
3. “Voices on Addiction: They Call It Spirits” by Connie Pertuz-Meza
4. “Mortality Probability” by Mariel Murray
5. “Anti-Elegy” by Cameron Awkward-Rich
6. “Mixed Feelings: A Valentine to Aging Women” by Mandy Len Catron
7. “This Is Literary: A Conversation with Taffy Brodesser-Akner” by Sara Fredman
8. “1989-2016” by Danez Smith
9. “Welcome to South Bend: Mr. Answerpants” by Kelcey Parker Ervick
10. “Voices on Addiction: One More Conversation” by Britt Canty
11. “The Mentor Series: Allie Rowbottom and Maggie Nelson” by Allie Rowbottom
12. “Day Trip” by Sophia Moskalenko
13. “ENOUGH: Crime and Composure” by Natalie Eilbert
14. “The Language of What Happened to Us” by Eve Ettinger
15. “Gutting the Sonnet: A Conversation with Jericho Brown” by Candace Williams
16. “The Thread: Down Girl” by Marissa Korbel
17. “Rumpus Original Fiction: Lunch Money” by Gabrielle Rucker
18. “Free Indirect Suicide: An Unfinished Fugue in H Minor” by Seo-Young Chu
19. “Parallel Planes: The Ghosts of Mothers and Daughters” by Becky Fine-Firesheets
20. “How I Lived and Wrote in Las Vegas” by Jean Chen Ho
21. “Wanted/Needed/Loved: Snail Mail’s Beloved Books” by Allyson McCabe and Esme Blegvad
22. “Spines of the Finwomen” by Lidia Yuknavitch
23. “Rumpus Original Poetry: Four Poems by sam sax”
24. “Making It” by Krys Malcolm Belc
25. “Funny Women: How to Be Adorable for Him” by Cara Michelle Smith
26. “Rumpus Original Fiction: Sabbath” by Arielle K. Jones
27. “On Seeing Myself: Representation and Ryan O’Connell’s Special” by Hilary Bell
28. “Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Sarah Borjas”
29. “The Mania of Queer Desire: In Praise of Fever Ray’s Plunge” by Logan February
30. “Rumpus Original Fiction: Infatuation” by Alexa Eve
Here’s to all the amazing, important work we were privileged to publish this year—including the pieces listed above, but also each and every piece that went up these last twelve months—and here’s to all the amazing, important work that we’ll be sharing with you in 2020. As ever, thank you for reading The Rumpus. We love you!
Rumpus original art by Max Winter.