Our next Letter in the Mail is from critically acclaimed author Allie Rowbottom! Allie writes to us on a cold, rainy day in a Los Angeles about what it feels like to be waiting on many fronts—waiting to recover from COVID, waiting on a book project, waiting on one’s biological clock—and about considering becoming a mother after losing her own.
To make sure Allie’s gorgeous and intimate letter finds its way to your mailbox, subscribe to Letters in the Mail by August 12! And remember, Letters in the Mail helps us keep The Rumpus running—so, you can correspond with your favorite writers and support the website in one fell swoop.
Allie Rowbottom is the author of Jell-O Girls, a New York Times Editor’s Choice selection. Her essays and short fiction can be found in Vanity Fair, Salon, Best American Essays, Literary Hub, New York Tyrant, No Tokens, Bitch, and elsewhere. She holds a PhD from the University of Houston and an MFA from CalArts and lives in LA.
Photograph of Allie Rowbottom by Samantha Sutcliffe.