Swarm / an arm
To let a
channel charnel ground a whole ontological revision
bloom upon opening bloom
opening renditions of form
yellow lip of daffodil in the high mountain desert of breath
sound makes a storm unfolding
on this occasion we worry
over the air
what arises within
this inhalation of other
selves and cells
how contaminated
distant bringing
we did not see our need
for boundary delimits
our interior
to be bought
and sold
to be made barren by want
be made unholy
by the diabolical book
of our own invention
there is no end
until flame comes
all the leaves
and feathers of birds
the fur of animals, their paws
and eyes
fallen into ash
wild herbs, the underworld
shadows, also gone
an ode to her beestung
an ode to her petals
to the stitched bulb
of uterus
her bloodshed
of all that is mother all that is water all that is surrender all that is flower all that is birth all that is symbiotic all that is embryonic all that is egg all that is oval all that is plant all that is circular all that is planet all that is milk breast body climate nest terrain
all that is nest terrain
I keep in my inner orbit
keep in my seed sphere
lodged in the gut of me
lodged in the throat
we choose with
mouths, expirations
scent glands
queen bees lodged
in fallopian tubes
insects huddled, draped
in unrest
spores multiplying toward
new generation
held acts of naming
surfaces ineffable
seed pod nest structure architecture from which
we emerge
to imagine all future openings, the forms of being, resistance
of loom bursting forth. the seepage. warning the clotted blood. warning the wound which stops the flow altogether
to return. to return to this state of passage. from the underworld into light. from the before into the after of light. And to hold each within us
as firmament
on this occasion our tongues
burst into flame
and yet to take flight inside. and yet to soar
inside the sky of the mind is mine
language a crossroads as blessing
as a cathedral inside our mouth
marsh of saliva carving out
tunnel cavern curvature undergrowth
wilderness lives inside this mouth
into dark asemic woods of writing
to let the hand
a swarm of murmuration swarm of resonance, of augmentation
swarm of radiance
swarmed to the tender pricked plant
swarm to an ending, transfigured
agape to
gale of resounding vibration of hush in the hum space
gale of longing of honey-scented desire in the breeze
peonies, hydrangeas, the color of tulip
Author photo courtesy of author