As I type this, we’re at 149 Rumpus Members, which puts us not-quite a third of the way (29%) toward our June goal of 500.
By now (a little more than halfway through June), we were hoping to be a bit past the mid-point of 250 members. Even though our 500 Member goal is way less than 1% of the people who read the magazine every day, there’s a lot of chaotic energy out there and maybe some of you are even on vacation (a future we’d like to imagine)?!
To encourage readers to join sooner than later (and to reduce our anxiety levels) we’ve adding some bonus incentives.
The earliest Members have the best chances of receiving a bonus gift this month as you’ll be entered into every raffle following signup. If you’ve already joined us as a Member, you’re automatically included in ALL the drawings!
Join by 3 pm ET on Friday, June 17 . .
- Five members will win the amazing Always Carry A Book tote from our friends at Pilsen Community Books in Chicago. (update: winners contacted for this giveaway!)
Join by 5 pm Tuesday, June 21. . .
- Five members will win a Graywolf Press tote containing a bundle of recent release faves: Wonderlands (our July Book Club pick!) by Charles Baxter, Voice of the Fish by Lars Horn, and Life is Everywhere by Lucy Ives.
Join by 5 pm Thursday, June 23 . . .
- Three members will win a Coffee House Press tote containing a bundle of recent release faves: Borealis by Aisha Sabatini Sloan (which just won TWO Lammy awards); When Women Kill by Alia Trabucco Zerán, trans. Sophie Hughes; and Jawbone by Mónica Ojeda, trans. Sarah Booker.
Some fine-ish print:
- We will email winners the day of each raffle to ask for preferred mailing address (unfortunately, we can only ship to the US). We’re happy to ship to a friend if you’d like to gift or share a prize.
- No one will win more than once, to keep things fair and give everyone better odds. So the sooner you become a Member, the more chances you’ll have of winning something cool!
- Stay tuned as we’ll have additional bonus literary gifts from friends-of-The-Rumpus come through this month.
We appreciate all the indie bookstores, presses, and authors who are stepping up to show their support and help us get closer to our 500 Member goal. It’s good to be part of a literary community that understands that our survival is interconnected. Thank you, thank you!