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As Long As There Isn’t a Movie Sequel
1991 was an eventful year–the Soviet Union collapsed, our Iraq adventure began, Scott Norwood’s kick went wide right, Magic Johnson tested positive for HIV, Jeffrey Dahmer and Mike Tyson were…
Auto-tune The News
Pirates, drugs, gay marriage. For realz. See also Nashville Debate in Song and Dance.
Another Bust for the Bush War
According to the New York Times, Americans posing as contractors allegedly stole $40 million in Iraqi fuel and sold it on the black market. “The operation described in the indictment…
Tunneling to the Center of the Earth
A new and heralded collection of short stories digs to the heart of obsession, isolation, and strangeness.
Classic Richard Simmons
And I’m not talking about “Sweating With the Oldies.” Probably NSFW, at least without headphones.
Brian’s Saturday Morning Links
Looking for a way to set your company apart from the rest of the herd? Try business cards made of meat–beef jerky, to be specific. I don’t even want to…
Truth Beauty
Artist Simen Johan trucks in the demystification of artful dodging. Regardless of what medium he works in or the subject he chooses at any given moment, whether it is live…
The Rumpus Original Combo: Colson Whitehead
A review of Sag Harbor, followed by an interview with Colson Whitehead—or, as we like to call this literary twofer: The Rumpus Original Combo.
The Rumpus Review of War Music
If you live in San Francisco you’ve probably seen the signs on storefronts and taxis—the posters eye-catching and cryptic: War Music, flanked by a wing and a gun.