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This Thing of Existence: Talking with Rion Amilcar Scott
Rion Amilcar Scott discusses his new story collection, THE WORLD DOESN’T REQUIRE YOU.
What to Read When You’ve Made It More Than Halfway through 2019
Rumpus editors share forthcoming books they can’t wait to read!
A Fierce Compassion: Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism
WOMEN OF RESISTANCE recognizes this reality with fierce compassion, and a lot of really fine poetry.
Food, Family, and Strong Female Characters: A Conversation with J. Ryan Stradal
J. Ryan Stradal discusses his new novel, THE LAGER QUEEN OF MINNESOTA.
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project #186: Novuyo Rosa Tshuma
“I love play, I love playfulness, play is fun and extremely serious.”
FUNNY WOMEN: Introducing Alex, the Male Alexa
Meet Alex: a new smart speaker designed by the very best in Silicon Valley.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Four Poems by Maya Phillips
is there only such a silence / as the grave?