Anisse Gross is a writer, editor, artist and question asker living in San Francisco. Her work has been featured in The New Yorker, The Believer, Lucky Peach, Buzzfeed, Brooklyn Quarterly, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. She openly welcomes correspondence, friendship, surprises and paid work.
To Humbert Humbert of Nabokov’s Lolita: “Hey Humbert, How’s jail? I hope it’s as bad as they make it out to be in those undercover exposes. I mean, I really hope…
Woman at Taco Bell on 14th Street. Man Sleeping on a bench in Madison Square Park, May 30, 2010. He is wearing 3-D Movie Theatre Glasses. Lewis Lapham. Three people…
If films were fighters, Mike Ott’s second offering, Littlerock, would weigh in at 123 minutes, placing it in the featherweight division, a deft, gentle movie, lithe and light during its two hours…
We keep reading tributes to Salinger by famous authors or, more worth noting, written by adults. But what about teenagers, the main readership of Catcher in the Rye? Over at…
It might be new news or old news to you, but Amanda Palmer is engaged to Neil Gaiman, and because Coraline (based on Gaiman’s book) was nominated for best animated…
As we mentioned earlier this morning, Dave Eggers, arguably one of the most actively engaged and socially involved writers (almost the living antithesis of Salinger) paid tribute to Salinger for…
Cuba’s progressing fast when it comes to recognizing the rights of transgendered peoples. First the ban was lifted on sex-change operations in 2007, and now not only are the surgeries…
The first weeks of 2010 are inevitably flooded with top ten lists of 2009, because people apparently can’t live without them. But maybe instead of reading the same top ten…
Harper’s has a condensed, slightly humorous (not funny haha) and downright offputting review of 2009. From “Scientists in San Diego made a robot head study itself in a mirror until…
It seems that people will only grow to love David Foster Wallace more as the years go on. It’s what usually happens when you can’t get someone anymore. Here’s a…
Ron Rosenbaum over at Slate, has been chronicling catchphrases for a while, and now at the dawn of 2010, he picks the catchphrase of the decade, and also does away…
Laura Miller, staff writer at Salon as well as a frequent contributor to the New York Times Book Review, has come out with a new feature called What to Read.…