Anne Trubek is Associate Professor at Oberlin College. Her writing has appeared in the Washington Post, Mother Jones, The Believer, Dwell, The Chronicle of Higher Education, AGNI, and elsewhere. Her book, The Sweet Sadness of Writers’ Houses, is forthcoming from The University of Pennsylvania Press.
We all have reading habits. We read in bed, at the table, on the train. Perhaps you read standing up in your kitchen, waiting for your pasta water to boil.…
The Revealer, loosely affiliated with the Center for Religion and Media at NYU and Killing the Buddha, covers “religion in the news and the news about religion.” An article about…
The Institute for the Future of the Book “investigates the evolution of intellectual discourse as it shifts from printed pages to networked screens.” As you may have noticed, here at…
Bruno, the flamboyantly gay Austrain fashion reporter played by Sacha Baron Cohen, has a feature length film. Due to many wild premiers – from bull-fighting in Madrid to dressing as…
Terra Naomi, a friend of The Rumpus, just released a new song, Vicodin, online for free. Professionally trained in opera at the University of Michigan, the Internet propelled Terra to…
After hitchhiking from Salt Lake City to NPR’s national office, Scott Carrier became a unique radio producer, interviewing schizophrenics and amnesiacs. Here is a This American Life episode dedicated to…
Andrew Sullivan , one of the most popular bloggers in the world, is a bundle of contradictions – gay, conservative, Catholic. Though British (and Oxford-educated), Sullivan now writes primarily about…
Scram, started by Kim Cooper in 1992, is a magazine “dedicated to unpopular culture.” They have some blogs, and they also have published a few books. They “chronicle the neglected,…
Last December in their annual music issue, Oxford American lamented the demise of music criticism. But nonetheless here’s a collection of music related internet findings: Douglas Wolk discusses The Celestial…
A.O. Scott gives a nice shout out to the craft of American short stories in the New York Times, particularly praising, Flannery O’Connor, John Cheever, and Donald Barthelme. For more…
Zoetrope: All-Story published their Latin American Issue this Spring, edited by Daniel Alarcón and Diego Trelles Paz. Read an interview with Alarcón on the arbitrary nature of anthologies and the…