Posts by author
Marissa Korbel
37 posts
Brian Hurley is the Publisher at Fiction Advocate and an executive editor at a book publishing start-up in the Bay Area. He used to be the Books Editor at The Rumpus and the linguistics editor at Oxford University Press. His writing has appeared in The Millions, Full Stop, and Electric Literature.
The Thread: The Masked Man
What I know and don’t know about men matters. What men know and don’t know about themselves matters more.
The Thread: Goddesses and Monsters
Let’s take the women in our lives, and the women who came before us, off the pedestals but also, out of the graves of irrelevancy.
The Thread: Look What You Made Me Do
Can a person with some agency ever claim victimization, or are agency and victimhood a binary?
The Thread: Volcanoes
Is there a relationship between the violence that came through me, and the violence that came at me?
The Thread: Actual Bodily Harm
They say justice is blind, and a lady, but it is neither. Justice is a wheel.
The Thread: Ways of Being Seen
Can you see it now? Is the image different in your mind yet? A thing you can’t unsee.
Ready for Change: Discussing Sexual Assault with SafeBAE
The co-founders of SafeBAE discuss the challenges and victories of teaching students about rape culture, consent, and anti-bullying.
Finding the Finally: Alice Anderson Discusses Some Bright Morning, I’ll Fly Away
Alice Anderson on her memoir, Some Bright Morning, I’ll Fly Away, drag, and motherhood.
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project #75: Deborah Kampmeier
I met Deborah Kampmeier at a workshop in November. We were two weeks post-election; the room was raw with emotion, and electric with conversations about resistance. This tall, badass woman dressed…