Carlo Matos is an Azorean-American poet and fiction writer. He has published in various journals and anthologies like Short, Fast and Deadly, Paper Darts, Arsenic Lobster, 5x5, Ragazine, kill author, DIAGRAM, The Mad Hatters' Review and the Gavea Book of Portuguese-American Poetry, among others. He is the author of A School for Fishermen (BrickHouse Books), Counting Sheep Till Doomsday (BlazeVOX Books), Ibsen's Foreign Contagion (Academica Press) and Big Bad Asterisk (forthcoming BlazeVOX Books, 2013). He currently lives in Chicago, IL where he teaches English at the City Colleges of Chicago by day and is a cage fighter by night. After hours he can be found at Chicago's Poetry Bordello entertaining clients.
Not long ago, I had a conversation with a woman fifteen or twenty years older than myself, who told me that she thinks of Prozac as “the penicillin of my…