Carrie Chappell is originally from Birmingham, Alabama. She received her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of New Orleans’ Creative Writing Workshop. Her poetry has appeared in Anastamos, Blue Mesa Review, CALAMITY, Cimarron Review, Cream City Review, FORTH Magazine, Harpur Palate, Juked, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, and The Volta. Her essays have been published in The Collagist, Diagram, FANZINE, The Iowa Review, Xavier Review, and Buried Letter Press. Each April she curates the Verse of April project, a digital anthology of homage to the poets. Currently, she serves as Poetry Editor for Sundog Lit and lives in Paris, France.
“If we can find birds on the pages of books, and gods within concrete, it does not seem fantastic to encounter our parents inside of their pots and patios.” At…
Rumpus contributor Roxane Gay details the ins and outs of starting a micropress based on the lessons she’s learned starting Tiny Hardcore Press. “You have to be prepared to hustle.…
Vice interviews author Edmund White. The conversation covers porn, the perfect man, “gay-lit,” and a lot more. “No one tries to figure out how someone ended up straight, though it…
At The Hairpin, Esther C. Werdiger’s story “The League of Ordinary Ladies: Keep them Googling” illustrates her sagas of winter in-bed working, the post office, and iphone google search history.
We don’t usually do lists, but when the Academy’s list of Best Director nominees is 100% dudes, an exception seems necessary. Canonball chronicles five female directors “whose direction deserved more…
Rumpus contributor Jason Novak brings his illustrated story “Fedoras and Nightmare Prophesies at Noir City” to The Bay Citizen. “This year marks the tenth anniversary of Noir City, San Francisco’s…
McSweeney’s interviews Diane Williams, author of this month’s Rumpus Book Club selection, Vicky Swanky Is a Beauty. Williams discusses the humor in her short story collection, being read to as…
Rumpus columnist Ryan Boudinot will be all over San Francisco this week, accompanied by his newly released novel Blueprints of the Afterlife. There are two events to choose from, or…
This morning, a Cormac McCarthy impersonator showed up on Twitter, duping some twitterers until Vintage and Anchor confirmed that it was not the real McCarthy. In fact, the writer does…
“There is something of a binge drinking belt across the north of the country, running westward from New England, Pennsylvania and Ohio to Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota…