Carrie Chappell is originally from Birmingham, Alabama. She received her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of New Orleans’ Creative Writing Workshop. Her poetry has appeared in Anastamos, Blue Mesa Review, CALAMITY, Cimarron Review, Cream City Review, FORTH Magazine, Harpur Palate, Juked, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, and The Volta. Her essays have been published in The Collagist, Diagram, FANZINE, The Iowa Review, Xavier Review, and Buried Letter Press. Each April she curates the Verse of April project, a digital anthology of homage to the poets. Currently, she serves as Poetry Editor for Sundog Lit and lives in Paris, France.
At The Awl, Blake Butler reflects on attachment to the Internet world (and the machines with which we enter) as well as the meaning of obsession. “It seems too late…
Rumpus contributor Anna March gives Sugar some love over at StyleSubstanceSoul. In the third of her regular column focusing on “sexist products and media portrayals of women, counterbalanced by those…
“It’s worth considering how the hell those goods get to you, so fast, and for free, when the company you bought them from is posting profits in the millions, or…
HTML Giant celebrates the marks we leave–and find–on borrowed things, namely library books. “I like the weird smell of library books, and the way the smell differs. I like seeing…
At The Village Voice, Jami Attenburg reveals 2011’s top ten pieces of music to listen to while writing, “as supplied by the authors of recent books,” so they must be…
Aimee Bender responds to Full Stop’s Situation in American Writing survey. Bender discusses literary criticism’s transition to the Internet, the political tendencies of American writing, and whether she imagines a…
The New York Times dissects the advent of the novel to television adaptation with a focus on Jennifer Egan’s A Visit From the Goon Squad. Craig Fehram breaks down the…
“The author’s jaunty voice [is] Beat-poet cool…Mohr nails the atmosphere of a San Francisco still breathing in the smoke that lingers from the days of Jim Jones and Dan White,…
San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral is launching an Artist in Residence program. Their first artist is awesome playwright, actor, and author Anna Deavere Smith, who will “share in the life of…
This week has seen a lot of Amazon talk around the Internet. After Richard Russo’s New York Times op-ed on Amazon’s predatory practices, Farhad Manjoo responded at Slate, arguing against…