Carrie Chappell is originally from Birmingham, Alabama. She received her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of New Orleans’ Creative Writing Workshop. Her poetry has appeared in Anastamos, Blue Mesa Review, CALAMITY, Cimarron Review, Cream City Review, FORTH Magazine, Harpur Palate, Juked, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, and The Volta. Her essays have been published in The Collagist, Diagram, FANZINE, The Iowa Review, Xavier Review, and Buried Letter Press. Each April she curates the Verse of April project, a digital anthology of homage to the poets. Currently, she serves as Poetry Editor for Sundog Lit and lives in Paris, France.
In this Awl piece, Michelle Dean weighs in on Jonathan Franzen’s declaration that David Foster Wallace “fabricated at least part of—and potentially a large part of—his nonfiction pieces.” The article…
Guernica Daily just kicked-off a new flash fiction series “designed to showcase up-and-coming writers and artists.” Check out the first entry of the series and consider flashing them your own…
“But if we are going to manufacture our reality, couldn’t we make it a bit better? The thing we seem to like manufacturing the best are enemies, and here we…
Rumpus columnist Nicholas Rombes‘ latest project Do Not Screen is reviewed here. The piece explores Rombes’ take on film and what is “in between” the project’s process and result. “By…
Does the rise of new technology, specifically auto-translate, signal the death of human translation and multilingualism? David Bellos, author of Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the…
“That was when I knew what I wanted to do was create these archetypal female characters — the slut, the good girl, the bad mother, the party girl, all these…
“We see your picture of Harry Connick Jr. standing near yarn/Tommy Lee Jones using a kleenex/insert-your-weird-pitch-here, and we raise you a picture of Wil Wheaton collating paper.” Accidental and intentional…
Allen Ginsberg debuted “Howl” at the Six Gallery Reading on October 7, 1955. In 2006, for the 50th anniversary of the poem’s publication, City Lights came out with Howl on…
In his show Photographs with an Audience, Clifford Owens occupies a barren room with some lights, a camera, and his seated audience members. Participant answers to a series of questions…
“We sell ebooks because ebooks are here to stay. We want to carve out a space in the retail environment for independent ebookselling by proving to publishers that it can…
“From the beginning of their existence, the 11 nations have been struggling with one another for advantage and influence, with the biggest prize being control of the federal government. Since…
Litquake talks with Swamplandia author Karen Russell in a final interview before the festival’s kick-off tomorrow! The conversation reveals abhorred writing styles; overused phrases; favorite writers, words and fiction heroes;…