Elissa Bassist edits the Funny Women column and teaches humor writing. Her next class is "How to Write a Comedic Memoir" on 3/30. She wrote Hysterical, a semi-finalist for The Thurber Prize for American humor, and is co-writing Inside Jokes: A Comedy and Creativity Guide for All Writers with Caitlin Kunkel (out in 2026). Her newsletter is Tragedy Plus Time.
“Whatever happened to the Muse? She was once the female figure–deity, Platonic ideal, mistress, lover, wife–whom poets and painters called upon for inspiration.” –Lee Siegel, Where Have All the Muses…
“Bathetic self-deception, and unfulfilled dreams–a lament to passing time, and life not working out quite as one had hoped–have been the defining themes of almost all Ishiguro’s work. They are,…
Those who came before us — Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys, and Flannery O’Connor — “illuminat[ed] precedents for women writers,” and became our heroines, our literary guides, our inspirations and paragons.…
From Merriam-Webster: Main Entry: kin·dle Pronunciation: \ˈkin-dəl\ Function: verb Etymology: Middle English, probably modification of Old Norse kynda; akin to Old High German cuntesal fire Date: 13th century Definition (1):…