Gabriella Souza's work has appeared or is upcoming in the Best Small Fictions 2022 anthology, North American Review, USA Today, PS (formerly Popsugar), The Rumpus, Cleaver, and Litro, among others. She received fellowships and scholarships from The Community of Writers, Disquiet International Literary Program, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and she won the 2020 San Miguel Writers’ Conference Writing Contest. She lives in Baltimore with her husband and their dog and two cats, and when she's not writing, she enjoys Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and improv dance.
With fiction, you’re trying to get people emotionally attached to your characters, not to learn a lesson. Ideally, [readers] get emotionally attached to the characters and those characters’ experiences leave them, in the end, feeling more than they did before.
But this sense of being able to open yourself up to wonder is something you can do at any age. You just have to open yourself to it. Frankly, for me, it's a whole lot easier to do that when you're out in the middle of nowhere, you're cold and you're hungry.