Jackie Clark is author of Aphoria (Brooklyn Arts Press). She is the series editor of Poets off Poetry and Song of the Week for Coldfront Magazine and is the recipient of a 2012 New Jersey State Council on the Arts Fellowship in Poetry. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming from Delirious Hem, Denver Quarterly, and Yoga City. Jackie lives in Jersey City and can be found online at nohelpforthat.com.
Our parents showed up to retrieve us. They wanted to know why we would do such a thing. My friend and I looked at each other and just shrugged our shoulders.
Snowblink Inner Classics (Arts & Crafts Records) Sometimes ascribing a name to something (a painting, a song, a poem) becomes easier after creation. One may not realized the extent to…
Laura Gibson La Grande (Barsuk; Jealous Butcher) I recently heard someone on NPR use the term “desert noir” to describe the band Calexico. Having never heard the term before, I…
Sean Rowe Magic (Collar City) It might be hard to get past the first song on Sean Rowe’s Magic it if you have a real aversion to guitar-based songs written…
Cass McCombs Humor Risk (Domino) The thing I have noticed about Cass McCombs, or rather the thing I think is a telling parallel to his music, is that he never…
Eleanor Friedberger Last Summer (Merge) Last Summer, the first solo release from Eleanor Friedberger, half of the Brooklyn duo The Fiery Furnaces, is, for better or for worse, a summer…