Remember way back last week when I told you about seeing a supernova from your back yard? Yeah, well, astronomers want your help in studying it. I’m always fascinated by…
I’ve got coffee in my Dalek mug and Gladys the Mucus Machine riding shotgun. What could go wrong? Given Steve Almond’s lamentation on what we lost that we published yesterday,…
Reb Livingston, the publisher of No Tell Books, has written a post about the economics of her own press in the light of the BlazeVOX controversy. What kinds of sales…
John Gallaher is looking for responses in what he’s calling his “Market Research Friday.” Yes, it’s Saturday, but I suspect he’s leaving comments open for a while yet. Here’s what…
See a supernova from your back yard. This little piece in Wired on the discovery of the earliest known human tools in interesting not just for the discovery information, but…
So an hour after this goes up, I’ll be leading an informal wine-tasting. My new job has its perks. I’ll probably be the only one spitting, though. What would you…
The official Table of Contents won’t be released for a couple of weeks, but a little birdie whispered in our ears (okay, announced it on her Facebook page) that Roxane…
Solitary Watch reports that the Riker’s Island prison isn’t going to be evacuated even though similar small islands and barrier beaches surrounding New York City are in Zone A. In…
There was a new bird species discovered in the US for the first time in 40 years. The catch? It was discovered in a museum collection. Ornithologists are still trying…
To our friends on the east coast dealing with Hurricane Irene–be safe. I know from experience it’s unlikely that any of you are reading this, but even so. A storm…