Interesting conversation going on about a piece in the latest Poetry. Start here at Samizdat, then find further discussion at A Compulsive Reader, Exoskeleton (multiple posts–click around), and back to…
I fall in love pretty easily, so for me right now it’s Sarah Vowell’s The Wordy Shipmates, which is her take on John Winthrop, Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson of…
I guess it just took a little time for the poetry blogs to realize that David Orr had been in the NYTBR smack-talking about the lack of greatness in poetry…
Whoever wrote this poem lo those many years ago ought to be forced to wear those shorts. I’m really surprised there hasn’t been more of a response to David Orr’s…
Happy Singles Awareness Day, everyone. Here’s a Valentine from Louis Zukofsky to help you finish the night off right. AWP wasn’t the only party this past week–Josh Corey has photos…
A Review of Dan Albergotti’s The Boatloads I have a special place in my heart for literature that juxtaposes the sacred and profane, that challenges perhaps the most successful meme…
AWP is approaching quickly, and though I won’t be there, lots of other poetry folks will be. Raymond Bianchi has a (short) list of restaurants that conference goers might want…
Mark Scroggins of Culture Industry spent last weekend Zukofsky-ing in Sussex, and has both a rundown and photos. Jeff Hilson provides further photographic commentary. Odali$qued provides some notes toward a…
Oh, the things I’ve learned since I started doing this little column, the arguments I’ve lurked through, the long-winded defenses of one’s aesthetic choices, et cetera, et cetera. And I’m…
The inaugural poem is sucking up a lot of the oxygen in the poetry world for now, and with good reason. An inaugural poem is even rarer than the Olympics,…
With the inauguration of Barack Obama swiftly approaching (though not swiftly enough for some), the return of an inaugural poet/poem has gotten some play.