Michal Zechariah is a literary scholar working on ethics and the emotions in early modern British literature. She teaches at the University of Chicago. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Rumpus, Psyche, and 3:AM Magazine, as well as in various Hebrew literary publications.
“Vonnegut’s genius was to stake out this experience of anticlimax as his novelistic territory. His heroes are bemused bit players whose lives are measured by their distance from great affairs,…
“Manchester-born Anthony Burgess, who died in 1993, wrote at least 33 novels, 25 works of non-fiction, two volumes of autobiography, three symphonies, and more than 250 other musical works including…
“Wallis points out early on that Crockett was most definitely not ‘born on a mountain top’ and only started wearing his iconic coonskin cap when he needed to boost his…
“‘It is useful,’ Leonardo wrote, to ‘constantly observe, note, and consider.’ But when you are Leonardo, what sorts of things are buzzing around in your head? Well, Toby Lester describes…
“All fiction has at its heart the enigma of character. Its most basic pleasures involve analyzing how human beings act, speculating as to what motivates their actions, and, ultimately, judging…
“Prescience is no hard science, but hindsight can be a kick in the shins nonetheless, especially for the editors who sent these rejection letters to writers who would later become…
“Gawker Media chief Nick Denton told All Things D this morning that Fleshbot ‘Just hadn’t fit for a long long time’ but that he held onto the property ‘because [he…
This past Friday, November 18th, peacefully protesting UC Davis students were relentlessly pepper-sprayed. This is one of the videos that has caught the nation’s attention. Watch: Students stand silently in…
“We all know truth is stranger than fiction, and some things (and people) are just too good to have been made up. We’ve already shown you quirky cartoon characters based…
“Unlike the aged books and dead writers who have come to Rome, current writing by foreigners about or set in Italy tends not to add to my knowledge or interest…
“Some people have a legitimate reason to feel depressed, but not me. I just woke up one day feeling sad and helpless for absolutely no reason.” “Adventures in Depression” by…