Michal Zechariah is a literary scholar working on ethics and the emotions in early modern British literature. She teaches at the University of Chicago. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Rumpus, Psyche, and 3:AM Magazine, as well as in various Hebrew literary publications.
“Here in China, nearly 195 million people are hooked on a kind of literature that is virtually unknown in the West, but that is rapidly transforming its authors and a…
“Instead of a sustained narrative, hundreds of snapshots from Alexander’s past are pieced together—though ‘snapshots’ suggests something static, and each of these eye-blink vignettes is animated by yearning and often…
Majority of protesters are not Republicans, nor are they Democrats: “70 percent of Occupy Wall Streeters label themselves ‘independent.'” There are also more children now, and they are there to…
“Advice about writing is more importantly writing itself, and it defines its own rules and strictures as much as it instructs its adherents directly. In the words of these masters…
“Now a pair of books—Barbara Will’s Unlikely Collaboration: Gertrude Stein, Bernard Faÿ, and the Vichy Dilemma (Columbia University Press, 2011) and Antoine Compagnon’s Le Cas Bernard Faÿ: Du Collège de…
“Back in the seventies, feminists touted the slogan ‘the personal is political,’ arguing that women had been trained to dismiss their own struggles as personal matters with no greater meaning.…
NYPD reportedly telling drunks to “take it to Zuccotti.” Some banks are renouncing their plan to charge debit cards. Winter is coming… and also #OccupyWallStreet has “custom made bicycle generators…
“Hornby said: ‘The Ministry of Stories has had a happy, healthy and exciting first year, and there has been overwhelming interest from children, parents, schools and volunteers. We want to…
“Where Eliot was the famous defender of tradition, order and civilised taste, the crux of Groucho’s humour was flouting tradition, fomenting chaos and outraging taste. ‘I have had a perfectly…
“Author Steve Almond shows Marc that writers can be just as tortured and self-doubting as comedians. The two of them discuss the highs and lows of a writer’s creative process.”…
“In some ultimate and unknowable sense, love might be an affair of pheromones just as it might be the marriage of true minds; love might be life’s grandest illusion just…