Michal Zechariah is a literary scholar working on ethics and the emotions in early modern British literature. She teaches at the University of Chicago. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Rumpus, Psyche, and 3:AM Magazine, as well as in various Hebrew literary publications.
“After the march on Chase, I returned to Liberty Square. I was participating, at last, but the nature of my participation remained vague. In the early stages of a movement,…
“I wanted to write about having children and how we dealt with having children, and that really wasn’t what the book turned out to be about at all. The book…
“Luminous Airplanes has a singular form: the novel, complete in itself, is accompanied by an online “immersive text,” which continues the story and complements it. Nearly ten years in the…
“This stupid little Facebook photo is not only ill-informed, it’s harmful. Nothing on it has anything to do with reality. It has everything to do with a false rhetoric that’s…
“Founded by Kristina Kearns, Ourshelves was inspired by all the talk of the publishing industry’s impending death and Kearns’ personal desire to preserve books. ‘I wanted to create something between…
“What occupiers from all walks of life are discovering, at least every time they contemplate taking a leak, is that to be homeless in America is to live like a…
“So instead we’re talking flawed main characters, neither villains nor anti-heroes, whom the author has deliberately, even perversely contrived as hard to like.” Lionel Shriver, director of We Need to…
“Pitchfork: Is the car generally a place to write for you? TW: A good one. You’re enclosed, you’re alone, you’re quiet. Perfect. There’s a feeling of a vanishing point. And…
“For 30 years now, he has lived a monkishly regimented life, each facet of which has been precisely engineered to help him produce his work. He runs or swims long…
“The exhibition references the phrase ‘here be dragons’ used in medieval times to denote unexplored territories, where mapmakers placed sea serpents and other mythological creatures in blank areas of maps.…
“‘I’m so moved by the artistic bravery here, like this guy who plays a screeching violin,’ he said. ‘I don’t get it, but still I’m inspired to go home and…