Feather Somehow, I thought you’d want to eat alone, A state you’d grown to master—brandy glass, A man behind your chair to fill your plate, A girl to bring you…
The Tornado Collects the Animals The tornado likes animals because they pay attention. The tornado sees the dogs howling up from rippling yards, the cows huddled mutely against one another,…
Southern Wind, Clear Sky Hokusai says the morning is clear, but it’s never really clear around Mount FujiMount Fuji is an active volcano, so we can never get entirely comfortable…
Well I got to keep it going keep it going full steam. Two Lyrics from “Rondo” The boys pawing the ground are horses. They will drag you between them. Come,…
Was National Poetry Month over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! The Lover’s Field Guide to Lesser Coinage There are eight stycas in a penny, two pennies in…
So maybe you’re following our National Poetry Month project and you want to know who else is going to be featured. You’re following, right? I mean, sure you get the…
We decide when National Poetry Month is over. A Double Sestina on Happiness Part 1: I should never be happy, the Samsung Chairman’s eldest daughter Eunhee thought as she picked…
We’re never satisfied with the thirty days that April allots us for National Poetry Month, so we’re extending it a bit. Enjoy! Zoo Unbridled, the sick pony traverses listlessly a…