Salvatore Pane is a writer based in Pittsburgh, PA. His fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Quick Fiction, Weave, We Are Champion, Corium Magazine and others. His debut graphic novel, The Black List, will see publication later this year from Arcana Comics. He blogs at
Check out this utterly fantastic story on Kafka’s unfinished manuscripts over at The Independent. Usually unfinished manuscripts lead to something as blase as Nabokov’s The Original of Laura, but the…
So have you checked out The Olive Reader, Harper Perennial’s fantastic lit blog? If not, you missed their recent post calling all book bloggers to review HP books. All you…
Check out this great interview with Gary Shteyngart over at New York Magazine. He talks about his new novel Super True Sad Love Story and his decision to write most…
Yesterday Electric Literature tweeted about I Write Like, a new website that supposedly tells you exactly which famous author your writing style most resembles. All you have to do is…
Are there political advantages to writing book blurbs? Are there ethical lines writers shouldn’t cross? Scott Esposito of Conversational Reading weighs in using Nicole Krauss’ positive, to say the very…
Mark Doten interviews Justin Taylor for Bookslut. Topics include bohemian insurgency, Kierkegaard, anarchists, Joseph Conrad, “Masters of War” and much more.
Duotrope now offers interviews with participating journal editors aimed at potential submitters. Weave editor Laura E. Davis discusses her hatred of puppies among other pet peeves when wading through slush…
“There are many arguments for and against the no-advance model, but I think it’s best summed up as follows: publishers will be much more willing to take risks on new…
“Do writers from New York or Los Angeles or Boston create fictional cities to disguise their hometown? I can’t think of any examples. I think writers from small Midwestern towns…
“Before I started publishing books, I wrote dedications only in the ones I bought to give as gifts to people I knew. Then one day I suddenly found myself signing…
The John Updike Society will hold the Inaugural John Updike Conference later this fall in Reading, Pennsylvania. Who’s on the guest list, you ask? According to Jacket Copy: “Acclaimed writer…