Remember when your Rumpus Sunday Editor Gina published fiction? She published Tom Kealy’s Nobody and Allison Amend’s The Stench. Stephen Elliott explained, “We don’t publish fiction on The Rumpus. But…
Saturday 8/10: Rob Sheffield presents and signs Turn Around Bright Eyes: The Rituals of Love and Karaoke. 5 p.m. at Book Soup. Julie Doxsee and Andrew Wessels read original poems.…
The next Letter in the Mail, going out Thursday, August 15, is from none other than Brian Spears! Brian is a mainstay at The Rumpus. He’s our poetry editor and he…
There’s still plenty of time to join in on the conversation on our August book club selections, Poe Ballantine’s Love and Terror on the Howling Plains of Nowhere and Brenda…
Therein lies the brilliance of “Satan Says”: Olds's Satan is not villainous because he urges the speaker to denounce her parents ... but because he is too obtuse to comprehend the uselessness of such denunciations to a curious intellect.
Due to a printing error, the Letter for Kids that went out last week was not from Carolyn Cohagan, as we previously said. The Carolyn Cohagan letter will go out…