Emily Rapp on living a happy life, in the “wrong” order. Laura Bogart on humanity amidst the apocalypse. Michele Filgate on literary self-loathing and gender.
In the first sonnet of the sonnet sequence “People Like Us,” the speaker says, “By day I play nonstop if/then, internally pluck a love me, love me not lament…” This…
Make/Work is a new Rumpus podcast hosted by Scott Pinkmountain. In Episode 2, Scott talks with writer/director/documentarian Julien Nitzberg. Nitzberg is most well-known for the documentary, The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia, and…
Julie Greicius’ 14 Places to Talk to a Stranger About Books, on BuzzFeed. Laura van den Berg’s The Isle of Youth reviewed at Bookslut. Have you been following the controversy over…
Over on Lifehack, there’s one of those smarmy little lists to help you better yourself called 10 Things Positive People Don’t Do. Enjoy. Reading it got me thinking. What are 10 things…