Heartbreak drives a man to drink. Especially when he’s in love and his lady has booted him out of the house. And he drinks and he drinks, until days later,…
PEN 2013 Literary Winners announced. Did I link this kick-ass piece last week? I’ve been sending it to every memoirist I know and people are really responding to it. FC2’s…
Saturday 8/17: PoetryPalooza presents The Claremont Forum and Prison Library Project. Featuring poetry readings by Treesje Powers, Vickie Vertiz, Kenji C. Liu, Rachelle Cruz, Nicky Sa-eun Schildkraut, Bob Covington, and…
On Monday night at 826LA, J. Ryan Stradal and McSweeney’s organized a reading to celebrate Lucy Corin’s One Hundred Apocalypses and Victoria Chang’s The Boss. Those two books are now…
Both The Rumpus and The Nervous Breakdown make Flavorwire’s 25 Best Sites for Literature Lovers. I’m kind of beside myself with glee. Apply for a Word Riot travel grant! Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels…
Remember when your Rumpus Sunday Editor Gina published fiction? She published Tom Kealy’s Nobody and Allison Amend’s The Stench. Stephen Elliott explained, “We don’t publish fiction on The Rumpus. But…
Saturday 8/10: Rob Sheffield presents and signs Turn Around Bright Eyes: The Rituals of Love and Karaoke. 5 p.m. at Book Soup. Julie Doxsee and Andrew Wessels read original poems.…