VIDA has once again released their count, where they look at prominent magazines and identify the gender breakdown of writers, reviewers, and books reviewed. Once again, the numbers are revealing.
CA Conrad and Eileen Myles have an extensive conversation over at BOMBLog. Topics include Myles’ new “poet’s novel” Inferno, how memory’s role differs in composing poetry versus fiction, and writing…
MY MAGNIFYING GLASS ★★★★★ (5 out of 5) Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing my magnifying glass.
Schomburg’s newest book, Fjords, Vol. 1 holds true to this idea of finding familiarity in a parallel consciousness. Just because the poems often work in a seemingly private dreamscape, doesn’t…
[Peter] Gizzi’s particular gift is to posit that shifting location where senses meet the terrible and the sublime, where political portent or its brittle actualities announce themselves in various configurations.
Based in research of museum design, and memorialization, Slot’s narrator moves inside public landmarks dedicated to various disasters—9/11, slavery, Hiroshima, the Holocaust— and explores ways memorialization acts on conscience and…
Sometimes, there’s so much cool stuff happening close to home, that a girl has to give in to Rumpus self-referentiality: 1) This has been Cheryl Strayed week, pretty much. If…