5654 posts
Rumpus Original Poetry: Four Poems by SM Stubbs
We are full / of the many ways bodies breach and trespass.
The Rumpus Book Club Chat with Elizabeth Gonzalez James
Elizabeth Gonzalez James discusses her debut novel, MONA AT SEA.
It’s about Choices: Talking with Donika Kelly
Donika Kelly discusses her new poetry collection, THE RENUNCIATIONS.
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project: Alison McGhee
“Stories hurt, stories heal, stories save our lives.”
Rumpus Original Poetry: Two Poems by Anuel Rodriguez
Your chest a prism of painted horses. / Your lungs reservoirs for holy water rain.
Rumpus Original Fiction: Daddies and Sons
When Jeb was old enough to have a family of his own, he hardly ever laid hands on his boys.
Voices on Addiction: Safety in a Blue Light
Television babysat our family—our thirteen-channel set, reception via a rooftop antenna.
At the Intersections of Identity: Talking with Dani Putney
Dani Putney discusses their debut poetry collection, SALAMAT SA INTERSECTIONALITY.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Marianne Boruch
Maybe not humble but make me— / how about pious?