Without ever leaving the comfort of wherever you access the internet. The University of Iowa is getting into the MOOC game with a new series titled How Writers Write: Talks…
The ritual of poetic discovery is a reanimation of the whole metaphor of human dream and reason, irrationality and rationality, the ancient and the contemporary, the organic and the artifice.
In the second episode of The Rumpus Late Nite Poetry Show, Dave Roderick sits down with Matthew Zapruder for a chat about his latest collection, Sun Bear, his dual role as poet and musician, and close encounters with Grace Paley.
Jubilate Patro For I will consider my father SamFor he praises God in his mumbles and circular storiesFor his left arm is crooked to remind him of original sinFor half…
City of Eternal Spring My mind rises up as the silos of interchanges, streams, passages of myself in floating layers so nothing can connect, and I dream emptiness on ships…
from Bombyonder Without an imaginary world, without a proper backpack, without my little pink orb, without an old tablet’s commandments, without a hair dryer, empty hands, empty birdcage obscured by…
Prodigal Electrons Return to Shine is the name of the movie she wants to see, the first the daughter of a famous director whose plots to her always seemed designed…