Poet Denise Duhamel talks about form, inspiration sparked by pole-dancing dolls and movies, and the art of constructing prose poems to fit on Venetian blinds.
The only time I had the privilege to meet Jake Adam York was after a panel he participated in at the 2012 AWP Conference. The panel was called “In White:…
Welcome to the Rumpus National Poetry Month Project! This is the fifth time in a row we’ve celebrated April with a previously unpublished poem a day. We’ll update this post…
This brings our 2013 National Poetry Month Project to a close. I’d like to thank all 34 poets who trusted us with their work and all the people who read,…
30 days hath Septemnber, April June and November, but National Poetry Month hath as many days as we want it to hath. ______________________ studio practice with italicized Michael Ondaatje quote