2340 posts
Lesbian Poetry’s Vatic Voices: The Specter of Ecocatastrophe
Change happens. It is dramatic. Poetry transformed lesbian lives.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Seven Visual Poems by Sarah J. Sloat
She spoke for ages one afternoon / about / kneeling.
Both Past and Present: A Conversation with Marcelo Hernandez Castillo
Poet Marcelo Hernandez Castillo discusses his debut memoir, CHILDREN OF THE LAND.
Why I Chose Eric Tran’s The Gutter Spread Guide to Prayer for The Rumpus Poetry Book Club
What we’re reading in our Poetry Book Club next month!
Both Reckoning and Embrace: Dorianne Laux’s Only As The Day Is Long
As the book continues, [Laux] traces a growing understanding of loss.
A Time and a Place: Talking with Faylita Hicks
Faylita Hicks discusses her debut poetry collection, HOODWITCH.
Paying Attention: Elizabeth Jacobson’s Not Into the Blossoms and Not Into the Air
Looking can be a way to honor, a way to pay our respects.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Kary Wayson
Which summer bird makes that wonderful chirp?
The Rumpus Poetry Book Club Chat with Cameron Awkward-Rich
Cameron Awkward-Rich discusses his new collection, DISPATCH.
A Divine Comedy of Experience: Hannah Ensor’s Love Dream with Television
Art is a fickle running buddy, legacy jumps out unexpectedly, and love is too serious not to joke about.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Two Poems by Frank Johnson
i run out of words for God & i can’t speak to my demons but / i hear them