2333 posts
Deep, Wide, and Ridiculous: Talking with Diane Seuss
Diane Seuss discusses her most recent collection, STILL LIFE WITH TWO DEAD PEACOCKS AND A GIRL.
Why I Chose Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers’s The Tilt Torn Away from the Seasons for the Rumpus Poetry Book Club
What we’re reading in our Poetry Book Club next month!
Presence: The Heartspeak of Indigenous Poets: Millissa Kingbird
Tanaya Winder curates exclusive poetry to celebrate Native American Heritage Month.
The Rumpus Poetry Book Club Chat with Malcolm Tariq
Malcolm Tariq discusses his debut collection, HEED THE HOLLOW.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Two Poems by Jess Rizkallah
once, / stones in a pocket didn’t mean walking into the sea.
Presence: The Heartspeak of Indigenous Poets: Tyler Dettloff
Tanaya Winder curates exclusive poetry to celebrate Native American Heritage Month.
A Metaphysical Inquiry: Nick Laird’s Feel Free
The work maintains a wondering backward, as it were, tracing the varied details of lived experience.
Translating Desire: The Erotic-Macabre Poetry of Joyce Mansour
...women’s writing has often been deemed too dark, too sultry, too frigid, too hysterical.
Presence: The Heartspeak of Indigenous Poets: Clarissa Mendiola
Tanaya Winder curates exclusive poetry to celebrate Native American Heritage Month.
Between Sex and Death: Deborah Landau’s Soft Targets
Survival, for Landau, is both instinctual and ultimately pointless.