2333 posts
The Rumpus Poetry Book Club Chat with Marwa Helal
Marwa Helal discusses her debut collection, INVASIVE SPECIES.
Raising the Dead: Claudia Castro Luna’s Killing Marías
The poems in Killing Marías sustain a deep reverence for women and are a call to action for the world.
A Female, Bone-Deep Obsession: Talking with Jennifer Martelli
Jennifer Martelli discusses her new collection of poetry, MY TARANTELLA.
A Subjective Magic: Jenny Boully’s Betwixt-and-Between
Boully splays open her own torso and readers divine what they need to from the spill of her organs.
Tracing a Lineage of Violence: Talking with D.M. Aderibigbe
D.M. Aderibigbe discusses his debut poetry collection, HOW THE END FIRST SHOWED.
Rumpus Original Poetry: “When I die, I hope they talk about me”
I hope / there is a heaven copious enough / to hold a place for every soul
Reclamation, Reassembly, and Recognition: Jasminne Méndez’s Night-Blooming Jasmin(n)e
What happens when the source of grief comes from within?