Susan Wright, activist, writer, and founder of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, sits down to discuss the recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders updates, and what they mean for the kink community.
With her haunting voice looped in a wordless glossolalia over pianos, keyboards, and other instruments, Julianna Barwick makes music like no other artist working today.
Jon Mooallem, author of Wild Ones, sits down to discuss human attitudes towards animals, copulation hats, chasing Martha Stewart across the tundra, and the historical relationship between Thomas Jefferson and mammoths.
In an exclusive interview, The Rumpus sits down with the very funny, very feminist Sandra Bernhard to talk about comedy, mothers, life on the road, and, of course, San Francisco, where she'll be performing this week.
Writer Maria Konnikova explores the mechanisms behind how a sharp mind works, through an investigation of one of literature's premier duos—Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick, Watson.
Poet Denise Duhamel talks about form, inspiration sparked by pole-dancing dolls and movies, and the art of constructing prose poems to fit on Venetian blinds.
Puerto Rican writer, journalist, editor, and queer activist Luis Negrón talks about his first collection to appear in English, working with translator Suzanne Jill Levine, and writing about people who live on the margins of the margins.
Humor and experimental fiction—charting the meaning of charts, playing with ideas like a slippage between the gears of perception and reality—have been Ben Greenman’s stock in trade.