While we can't promise that 2018 won't find us facing more political upheaval, we can assure you that there will be great literature to offer moments of escape and inspiration.
Allyson McCabe talks with Celia C. Pérez about her debut middle-grade novel, The First Rule of Punk, her inspirations for writing the book, and her own childhood.
Nate Blakeslee discusses American Wolf: A True Story of Survival and Obsession in the West, cultivating trust in his sources, and recreating action-packed scenes he did not witness.
Katia D. Ulysse discusses her forthcoming novel, Mouths Don't Speak, the importance of religion and music in the novel and in Haitian culture, and why Haiti will always be “home.”
Lilliam Rivera discusses her debut novel, The Education of Margot Sanchez, world-building, and her desire to see bookshelves filled with stories by people of color.