Features & Reviews
9260 posts
The Rumpus Interview with Melissa Febos
Melissa Febos discusses Abandon Me, confessional writing, Billie Holiday, reenacting trauma, cataloguing narratives, and searching for identity.
Round Lake by Grace Bonner
Edward Derby reviews Round Lake by Grace Bonner today in Rumpus Poetry.
The Rumpus Interview with Eileen Myles
Eileen Myles on recording her new poetry record Aloha/irish trees, the relationship between poetry and comedy, and finding safety in social media.
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project #72: Laurie Sheck
Laurie Sheck is the author, most recently, of Island of the Mad, and A Monster’s Notes, a re-imagining of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. A Pulitzer Prize finalist in poetry for The…
The Book of Endless Sleepovers by Henry Hoke
Allie Rowbottom reviews The Book of Endless Sleepovers by Henry Hoke today in Rumpus Books.
VISIBLE: Women Writers of Color: Abeer Hoque
Abeer Hoque talks about coming of age in the predominantly white suburbs of Pittsburgh, rewriting her memoir manuscript ten times, and looking for poetry in prose.
This Week in Books: American Purgatory
Welcome to This Week in Books, where we highlight books just released by small and independent presses. Books have always been a symbol for and means of spreading knowledge and…
Burn My Shadow: A Selective Memory of an X-Rated Life by Tyler Knight
Zakiya Harris reviews Burn My Shadow by Tyler Knight today in Rumpus Books.
The Rumpus Interview with George Saunders
George Saunders discusses his new (and first) novel Lincoln in the Bardo, Donald Trump, and a comprehensive theory of literature.