Features & Reviews
9260 posts
The Rumpus Interview with Janice Erlbaum
Janice Erlbaum talks about her new novel, I, Liar, how writing memoir compares to writing fiction, homelessness in America, and Munchausen syndrome and Borderline Personality Disorder.
Hesitation Wounds by Amy Koppelman
Katie Rogin reviews Hesitation Wounds by Amy Koppelman today in Rumpus Books.
The Rumpus Interview with Laurie Foos
Laurie Foos discusses her latest novel, The Blue Girl, feminism, Michael Jackson, and mythical moon pies.
Big in Japan by M. Thomas Gammarino
Art Edwards reviews Big in Japan by M. Thomas Gammarino today in Rumpus Books.
Street of Thieves by Mathias Énard
Nina Sparling reviews Street of Thieves by Mathias Énard today in Rumpus Books.
The Rumpus Interview with Sharon Oard Warner
Sharon Oard Warner discusses her latest book, Sophie’s House of Cards, Breaking Bad, how a sense of place informs fiction, and the Republican war on Planned Parenthood.
The Sunday Rumpus Interview: Vanessa Blakeslee
I don’t want to waste readers’ time with a several hundred-page novel that’s not relevant to the wicked problems we’re facing today.
The Glory Gets by Honorée Jeffers
Barbara Berman reviews Honorée Jeffers's The Glory Gets today in Rumpus Poetry.
The Rumpus Interview with Atossa Araxia Abrahamian
Atossa Araxia Abrahamian on her new book The Cosmopolites, the citizenship market, nearly getting deported in the Comoros, and learning to show up and wait.
On Cats by Charles Bukowski
Rien Fertel reviews On Cats by Charles Bukowski today in Rumpus Books.
Anna March’s Reading Mixtape #13: Bob Dylan
That’s how I experience the world, courtesy of Bob. I’m lucky. Bob will get you through.